Buzzy Gurl

Just another Blogtown NZ site

Day 4


Yes Yes Yes!  I LOVE VEGIES so much.  Who knew that after only 3 days of full on protein that I could have found a knew appreciation for vegetables and this mornings toast was the most best piece of toast I have ever had in my life……lol…..oh and walking on the treadmill is sooo much more intense than walking around a couple of blocks in the neighbourhood.  After 10 minutes of walking in one speed Iwould get bord and increase the speed.  GREAT WALK….I think I over did it with dinner because I was too full to have a snack afterwards.  On The Body Trim we are supposed to have at least 3 meals and 3 protein snacks per day to feed our natural fat burning metabolism.

Day 4 Menu

8.30 – Scrambled egg with tomato, onion, garlic and mushrooms on a piece of multigrain toast
9.30 – Half hour walk on the treadmill
12.00 – 1 Soft boiled egg with salt and pepper
4.00pm – Beef and Veggie Soup
5.00 – 1 Hard boiled egg
6.00 –  Roast Lamb with a lettece, tomato and cucumber caesar salad with a drizzle of salad dressing

Day 3


The last day of the CARB DETOX (thank goodness) and I made it.  I have been having a little trouble with my protein portion size which is supposed to be 100grams (roughly the size of your fist) and 150grams for men.  I have been winging the portion size but I have decided to buy some scales tomorrow.  I don’t want the protein portion size of my diet to be the demise of my weight loss.

On the Body Trim Diet it is recommended to do 10,000 steps everyday.  I think I achieved that today with my 36minute walk this morning which is around 5500 steps and I took the kids to the museum today and walked around looking at the exhibits for 2hours so I think I’m safe….lol

My Protein Menu for today:

8.45 – Soft boiled egg with salt and pepper
10.15 – Steak mince paddy with five spice, garlic, salt, pepper and a little tomato sauce
1.45 – Steak mince paddy, 1 egg
6.00 – Hard boiled egg
7.30 – Scrambled egg with corriander, garlic salt, salt and pepper
I am looking forward to tomorrow.  I definitely have a new appreciation for veggies.
BuzzyGurl xox

Day 1 and 2


Day 1 on The Body Trim was a mission in a half.  First of all I was hungova from my birthday party the night before (the last day of self punishment) and if my friend didn’t come to get me for our walk I would have gladly stayed in bed… On The Body Trim we are only allowed to eat protein in the first 3 days.  They call it THE CARB DETOX which is eating meat, fish and eggs all day.  NO CARBS or vegies for the first 3 days.

On Day 1 (11 Jan 2012)

7am – half hour walk
10.30 – 2 boiled eggs
1.30 – mince stew, 1 boiled egg
2.30 – 1 boiled egg
5.30 – skinless chicken thigh
7.30 – 1 boiled egg

On day 2 (today) I took my measurements and weight as follows:
Chest: 105cm
Hips:  105cm
Waist:  114cm
BellyButton:  105cm
Thigh:  54cm
Weight:  84kgs  (I think the scales are wrong because I was 87kgs last week)
7am – Half hour walk
8am – skinless chicken thigh, 1 poached egg
11am – skinless quarter chicken at Nandos
1.30pm – skinless chicken thigh, 1 boiled egg
I will probably have another boiled egg for a snack before roast pork for dinner.
These 2 days have definitely been tough without vegies and I’m craving bread and pasta but I am determined to be skinny.  If eating nothing but protein for 3 days is going to get me there so be it.  Below is my BEFORE photo….not a very good one…..I’ll put another one up at next weeks way in.
Can’t wait for day 4 when I can have a little bit of bread, fruit and a lot of veggies….LOVE BUZZYGURL

Mindset, Preparation, Food, Exercise


I am soooo excited and can’t wait to change my lifestyle for a new, healthier, fitter, skinny me.

I have discovered that the right MINDSET is probably the most IMPORTANT thing when it comes to weight loss and PREPARATION has put my head in the right MINDSET. I PREPARED myself by writing out a PLAN OF ATTACK which I will share more about on the 11th.

The second most important thing I discovered whilst researching is the FOOD we eat. Which ever way we choose we need to research it, fully understand it before executing it so that once its time to execute we will be more likely to stick to it because we are in the correct MINDSET and we know what we are doing and how to do it.

The third thing is EXERCISE and it doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise either – it could be taking the dog for a walk, walking the kids to school, doing the washing, vacuuming the house, wiping down the walls, mowing the lawn, pulling the weeds out of the garden…..parking the car further away from the workplace to walk a little further, taking the stairs……as long as you are moving and moving everyday which should be easy giving how busy our lives are today…

After so many failed attempts because I was in the wrong MINDSET and not PREPARED…….the light has finally switched on……..2012 is going to be the year…..


Happy New Year World


Happy New Year to our fellow bloggers and us blog readers. New Years Eve was another alcohol fuelled party which was a very happy occasion indeed spent with family and friends. I am so excited for the possibilities this year has in store for me but first on the list is bringing out the skinny and healthy me. Goodbye to alcohol and fatty foods and hello to lean cuts of protein and healthy sides of greens….hello exercise and energy. A friend has suggested the Body Trim Diet which is a Low Carb, 6 meal a day with 10,000 steps a day program. I’m actually thinking about starting tomorrow…..


Christmas is Over


Our Christmas Hangi going into the ground

Thank goodness Christmas Day is over……..This was the first year that we’ve stayed home for christmas and it was pretty cool. We had a Midnite Hangi for Xmas which was awesome. More awesome than any other hangi I’ve witnessed because my children and nephew did the hangi with their dads and uncles….it was awesome to watch…..soooooo we had pork, chicken, mutton, cooked fish, raw fish, kinas, stuffing, potatoe, pumpkin and kumara – a feast it was at 12.30am on xmas morning….lol…then we woke up to the kids opening their presents…..and another feed, and then another feed, and then alot of alcohol and the self induced punishment goes on and on……..anyway it is now two days after christmas and I have gained 4kgs since before christmas…..OMG….i soooo can’t wait for my birthday – which will be my last day of self induced punishment to my body…….hurry up 10th Jan…….

Love BuzzyGurl

posted under Weightloss | 30 Comments »

Weight Loss Challenge


Who would be interested in joining me in a Free Weight Loss Challenge for 2012. We can help each other with conversations of plans of attack and words of encouragement. If your interested please visit my blog and you will find a page called “Weight Loss Challenge” to see details. Would love to go walk through this journey with people who have the same goal……TO BE A HEALTHY AND SKINNY ME…….

Talk to you soon


Glutten For Punishment


Last night was our Netball teams breakup and that was a night filled with Cigarettes, Chinese Food, Fried Chicken and Chips washed down with a lot of alcohol.  Paying for it today.  I so cannot wait till after the holiday season and my birthday to start this path to a new healthy, skinny ME……

posted under Weightloss | 1 Comment »

Hello world!


I’m not quite sure how this blog thing works but I’ll give it a good go.  My name is Charlene (you can call me Buzzy Gurl) and I am a stay at home Mum of five children.  I am obsessed with Netball and the dream of being skinny….lol.  I hope to make alot of new friends with the same interests as myself….

  1. Family
  2. Children
  3. Weight loss
  4. Health & Beauty
  5. Netball
You might want to check out my Weight Loss Challenge page for 2012.  I soooo need some people to motivate me and I heard a blog is a good way to meet new people with the same goals and interests.  Can’t wait to meet you all……….happy reading and talk to you soon.
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